Measures to face the Covid-19
At Muelles CROM we are constantly following the evolution of COVID-19.
We have adopted all the necessary protection measures so that our employees, customers and suppliers are safe from this contagion, at least as far as we are concerned.
Now, ensuring the safety of all our employees and the interests of our customers / suppliers is our highest priority.
For this reason, we want to transfer some recommendations that can be very useful:
Following the instructions of the health authorities and official bodies, it is recommended to avoid trips that are not strictly necessary.
Chrome springs have all known video conferencing media at your disposal.
In case of any meeting that is due, we propose to do it by this means
We are by your side on our websites, our phones and our mobile app.
If in any case you have to come to our facilities, it is necessary to consult previously
We will keep you promptly informed of the evolution of the situation, as well as the information and recommendations to follow at all times.
Thank you for your trust.
Telephone contacts
938 498 199
938 618 070
677 519 152
Whatsapp: 677 519 152
Skype: springscrom01