Engineering & Design

Muelles CROM considers the engineering and design as the highest value we place on our products. A team of well trained engineers and equipped with the highest means to implement theperfect design for all our clients with their most diverse and different applications. To develop and calculate our products use software technology and modern art and most advanced CAD systems, methods of analytical calculation and finite element method (FEM). Our development engineers working in simultaneous engineering team fully involved in the projects of our clients. They are very experienced in providing the first results very quickly with widespread viewanalysis, feasibility studies, prototyping and initial samples. The great collaboration with our customers as well as personalized service to them right from the initial design phase ensures the performance of all our experience and expertise to find the best engineering solutions in springs. The great collaboration with our customers as well as personalized service to them right from the initial design phase ensures the performance of all our experience and expertise to find the best result.

The planning of components and assemblies is carried out using efficient information technology, tools that allow us to calculate the exact dimensions of the parts and the best fit.The planning process begins with the formulation of many of the concepts that meet therequests made by customers, the definition of the type of product to be developed, using technology of 2D and 3D CAD support to assess the viability of products, and adaptation to aproduction process that is as smooth as possible, taking into account the advantages of the two questions of cost and time.