The countdown begins for the IATF 16949 certification in Muelles CROM

Muelles CROM will have the IATF 16949 2016 certification - "Quality management system for organizations in the automobile automotive industry" for no later than the month of February 2018.
Certifications such as ISO, QS or VDA already sound juridical in the environment of quality management systems in the automotive world.
Only companies with this demanding certification will be able to survive in the stormy sea of the automotive industry and continue in the race for the most ambitious projects in automotive science.
The IATF, acronym for: International Automotive Task Force, will be implacable in the implementation and monitoring of this regulation and sweet and soft cases such as ISO etc. they will be part of the story.
Certification and audits will be charged as usual by APPLUS and the first steps that were taken at the beginning of the year come to an end.